šŸšØ All generations are PUBLIC.

    The purpose of this site is to allow everyone to openly experiment with Flux Pro, so that we can assess it's strengths and weaknesses collectively rather than in isolation, and to learn about it's prompting styles from one another.

    šŸ€āœØ Get Lucky with Your Art! šŸŒˆā˜˜ļø

    Channel the luck of the Irish into your creative endeavors! Create magical pieces inspired by emerald hues and Celtic charm. May your artistic journey be blessed with inspiration!

    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a bride, skin shorts, black pantyhose and skin boots, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman at a factory at a machine, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A realistic graphite pencil sketch of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, fine shading, detailed cross-hatching, soft and hard pencil strokes, traditional sketchbook style, black and white, art study drawing.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman wearing black transparent dress with diamonds, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a bride, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman at a factory at a machine, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A Byzantine-style mosaic of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, small detailed tesserae tiles, rich gold and deep blue hues, ancient Roman and Byzantine art style, fine mosaic craftsmanship, intricate geometric patterns.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman wearing black transparent dress with diamonds, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman wearing black transparent dress with diamonds, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman wearing black transparent dress with diamonds, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman at a factory at a machine, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A fun and whimsical doodle of a bride, playful and cartoonish, hand-drawn black ink, chaotic and creative, sketchbook illustration, naive art style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman at a factory at a machine, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a bride, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a strict young woman in glasses dressed in business style, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, scarlet cirrus clouds at sunset, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A vibrant gouache painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, bold and opaque colors, slightly matte finish, expressive brush strokes, flat yet rich textures, childrenā€™s book illustration style.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a strict young woman in business style, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a bride, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman at a factory at a machine, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a strict young woman in business style, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a strict young woman in business style, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A soft impressionist painting of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, delicate pastel colors, short and visible brushstrokes, blurred yet vibrant light reflections, en plein air painting, Claude Monet style, atmospheric and dreamy aesthetic.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a young woman at a factory at a machine, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a bride, skin shorts, pantyhose and skin boots, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a strict young woman in business style, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a young woman in high boots and short skirt, skin shorts, pantyhose and skin boots, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A dynamic Futurist painting of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, strong motion blur effect, angular abstract shapes, high-energy composition, vivid neon-like colors, sense of movement and speed, Umberto Boccioni style.
    A highly detailed vintage American illustration of a young woman dressed in a little black dress, warm nostalgic atmosphere, precise and realistic brushwork, rich but natural colors, storytelling composition, Norman Rockwell style, 1950s magazine cover aesthetic.
    A highly detailed vintage American illustration of a young woman dressed in a knitted dress, warm nostalgic atmosphere, precise and realistic brushwork, rich but natural colors, storytelling composition, Norman Rockwell style, 1950s magazine cover aesthetic.
    A highly detailed vintage American illustration of a woman in high boots and short skirt, warm nostalgic atmosphere, precise and realistic brushwork, rich but natural colors, storytelling composition, Norman Rockwell style, 1950s magazine cover aesthetic.
    A highly detailed vintage American illustration of a woman in high boots and short skirt, warm nostalgic atmosphere, precise and realistic brushwork, rich but natural colors, storytelling composition, Norman Rockwell style, 1950s magazine cover aesthetic.
    A highly detailed vintage American illustration of a young woman dressed in a revealing evening dress, warm nostalgic atmosphere, precise and realistic brushwork, rich but natural colors, storytelling composition, Norman Rockwell style, 1950s magazine cover aesthetic.
    A biomechanical painting of a young woman wearing a Revealing evening dress, intricate mechanical-organic textures, surreal and nightmarish, monochromatic color scheme, highly detailed airbrush rendering, H.R. Giger style, cyber-organic fusion.
    A biomechanical painting of a Bride, intricate mechanical-organic textures, surreal and nightmarish, monochromatic color scheme, highly detailed airbrush rendering, H.R. Giger style, cyber-organic fusion.
    A biomechanical painting of a young woman wearing a little black dress, intricate mechanical-organic textures, surreal and nightmarish, monochromatic color scheme, highly detailed airbrush rendering, H.R. Giger style, cyber-organic fusion.
    anime artwork (anime style, precise textures: 1.1), score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime, surreal. Tiger lying on a coniferous tree (pine), photograph, photo taken in a remote area in Russia. The setting is like in the Usureitsky Nature Reserve. Full face, eye contact, super details, blue eyes, photograph taken with a 400mm lens by an award-winning photographer National Geographic,  beautiful, anime style, key visual, vibrant, studio anime,  highly detailed
    An Art Deco portrait of a woman wearing latex jumpsuit, bold geometric shapes, elegant curves, smooth gradients, polished and luxurious aesthetic, 1920s jazz age influence, Tamara de Lempicka style, metallic gold and deep blue colors.
    An Art Deco portrait of a woman wearing latex jumpsuit, bold geometric shapes, elegant curves, smooth gradients, polished and luxurious aesthetic, 1920s jazz age influence, Tamara de Lempicka style, metallic gold and deep blue colors.
    An Art Deco portrait of a woman wearing latex jumpsuit, bold geometric shapes, elegant curves, smooth gradients, polished and luxurious aesthetic, 1920s jazz age influence, Tamara de Lempicka style, metallic gold and deep blue colors.
    both arms extended forward on the ground, leaning forward with their arms wrapped around the horse's neck, educational materials, with a solid fill, giving it a rounded, graphic appearance., cartoon style. The figure is centered and framed within a plain white background. The drawing uses clean, and the mailbox itself is supported by two horizontal bars at the bottom.
    daguerreotype photo, retro arcade style a woman sitting on a brick wall with her legs crossed and her legs crossed. Captured with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Kit EF 24-105mm, f3.5, this award-winning photograph follows the Brandon Woelfel-inspired ultra-realistic style, glow effects, godrays, Hand drawn, render, 8k, octane render, cinema 4d, blender, dark, atmospheric 4k ultra detailed, cinematic, Sharp focus, big depth of field, Masterpiece, colors, 3d octane render, 4k, concept art, trending on artstation, hyperrealistic, Vivid colors, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic . 8-bit, pixelated, vibrant, classic video game, old school gaming, reminiscent of 80s and 90s arcade games,  1920s photography, historical photo, aged photo, black & white photography, damaged photo

      Stable Diffusion 3 (SD3)

    • SD3 Medium - stableDiffusion3SD3_sd3Medium.safetensors
    • SD3 Medium Incl. Clips - stableDiffusion3SD3_sd3MediumInclClips.safetensors
    • SD3 Medium Incl Clip FP16 - stableDiffusion3SD3_sd3MediumInclClip.safetensors
    • SD3 Medium Incl T5XXL - stableDiffusion3SD3_sd3MediumInclT5XXL.safetensors
    • Text Encoder - Clip L - stableDiffusion3SD3_textEncoderClipL.safetensors
    • Text Encoder - Clip G - stableDiffusion3SD3_textEncoderClipG.safetensors
    • Text Encoder - T5 e4m3fn - stableDiffusion3SD3_textEncoderT5E4m3fn.safetensors
    • Text Encoder - T5XXLFP16 - stableDiffusion3SD3_textEncoderT5XXLFP16.safetensors
    • ComfyUI Workflows - stableDiffusion3SD3_comfyuiWorkflows_trainingData.zip
    • Demo Prompts - stableDiffusion3SD3_demoPrompts_trainingData.zip

      Stable Diffusion 3.5 Large

    • Large - stableDiffusion35_large.safetensors
    • Workflow - stableDiffusion35_workflow_trainingData.zip

      Stable Diffusion 3.5 Large Turbo

    • Large Turbo - stableDiffusion35_largeTurbo.safetensors
    • Workflow - stableDiffusion35_workflow_trainingData.zip

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