In the heart of an abandoned, dystopian asylum, where the shadows hold untold secrets and the air is thick with foreboding, the iconic "WOMEN ☕" logo takes shape. The letters, bold and imposing, are etched onto a crumbling, moss- covered wall, their edges illuminated by the eerie glow of neon red lights. The crimson hue casts an ominous aura, the only source of light in this desolate place, as it dances across the weathered bricks and forgotten rooms. The sharp contrast between the jagged letters and the haunting darkness creates a chilling atmosphere, evoking a sense of intrigue and mystery. As the viewer's eyes adjust to the dimly lit scene, the "WOMEN ☕" logo emerges as a beacon of hope within the confines of this desolate asylum, beckoning the brave to uncover the hidden stories that lie within