A high resolution photograph of a close- up of a group of roses on a dark textured surface, likely forest floor, the roses are in various stages of decay, their petals and leaves are charred and blackened, giving them a charred, almost black appearance, the petals are slightly wrinkled and old, some areas appear darker than others, while others are lighter and brighter, the center of the roses is in full bloom, with a spiral pattern of deep red petals radiating out from the center, creating a mesmerizing, almost ethereal glow surrounding the roses, scattered across the surface are small glowing red sparks or embers, adding to the sense of danger and intensity in the scene, the background is a mixture of dark, rough textures, enhancing the sense of depth and realism, the overall mood is dark and foreboding, the roses stand out starkly against the dark volcanic background, the photograph captures the stark contrast between the roses and the fiery elements, making them the focal point of the image