a post- apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the remnants of civilization, transforming it into a surreal landscape where the boundaries between the real and the imagined blur. In this surrealist scene, create an artwork that captures the juxtaposition of decay and rebirth. A colossal, decaying skyscraper, hollowed out and overtaken by a lush, vibrant forest growing inside and spilling out. The building's skeletal remains serve as the framework for this new ecosystem. Integrate dream- like features such as clock faces melting over twisted branches, and gravity- defying waterfalls cascading upwards, defying logic and creating a whimsical atmosphere. Use deep, rich oranges and blues to evoke a sense of contrast and harmony. Let the orange tones dominate the sky, casting an eerie, warm glow over the scene, while the blues infuse the foliage, water, and shadows with a sense of depth and mystery