It is blue hour, and the Sad Hardy type is seen in profile on the left third side of the frame looking regretfully down toward their worn Brown weathered- looking rugged Chock ankle tall allTerrain footwear, hands clasped out front around an elegant single prong simple durable fast to release Bright Brand sports- themed fine silver- plated athletic- inspired Collar pin clutch locked sturdy Chain fashion Keychain as faint sparkle accent on intricate reflective elements. Wear to Hardy 'style 11 cotton classic- fitted ' shirt's contrasting natural un- dyed linen color gives balance to the palette that balances against deep turquoise shadow shades contrast soft cool colours blend nuanced dim radiance spread ambient warm brown rich to vibrant golden surroundings evening soft tone ethereal. Direct strong back soft coolly diffused Lighting stands in High focus in on right Side figure highlighting slight delicate worn denim folded fabric appearance. Depth view perspective blurns faint close pale to green rich dark tone back dark night deep open in clear depth left