A surrealist, Scandinavian- pictorialist cityscape inhabited by Disquieting Americana architecture with Freudian undertones- including disembodied legs as sink pedestals that contrast with the seemingly innocent snowy scenery- houses along the snow lined cobblestone roads display disjointed attributes perhaps mirroring human 'faultiness', evinced past those frostier scenes further- towards quaint yet faint structures- past and dilapidated suggesting inner dread in sub- bossed art style, like surreal dreams reminiscent of surrealist art style created by Polish Countryside folk artists on paper which explores feelings through body gestures- Goliath Beetle gently sitting on lone woman painted like human figurine from broken side- by half past three position looking downwards- possibly signifying man's dependence- displaying best penciled quality illustrating subtle lights reflecting tiny windows that open up fractured stories using strong subtle pencil side lighting via charcoal against brown laid background- producing intense imagery