Photograph of a naked, light- gray, natural- sized rat, with a furry white belly, long rat tail, standing on the counter of a CVS grasping a [large] (square)+++ gold foiled Magnum Condom (square)+++ package in one hand, BREAK In the other hand, he's giving the viewer a thumb's- up gesture with his long thumb • (long nails) • with a big grin. BREAK highly detailed, cinematic lighting, photorealistic, dark atmosphere, high contrast. BREAK The large (square)+++ gold foil condom wrapper has the word ("Magnum") in black centered, surrounded by a (large), prominent embossed, heart- shaped condom- impression outline the fills the package nearly edge- to- edge
"magum" text. mangled fingers, mangled hand, deformed fingers, deformed hand, (extra toes)+++, deformed feet, bad belly fur, creased belly fur, extra fingers,, short fingernails, extra hands, extra feet